My Published Fiction
Under my own name, I write literary fiction, science fiction, speculative fiction, horror, suspense and thrillers. I studied creative writing at Athabasca University and I write both short stories and novels.
My love for fiction writing started when I was in elementary school. In English class, we were sometimes asked to write stories, and these assignments were always my favourite. I loved fiction writing above all else in school and still do to this day.
Fiction Publishing History
August 2024
Literary fiction short story that I wrote while I was a student at Athabasca University for one of my creative writing courses. It went through numerous changes before being accepted for publication by Litbreak.
Canta Hotinza
Independent horror news and criticism website HauntedMTL, which also publishes original horror fiction, chose my story "Canta Hotinza" to be part of its Haunted MTL - Dancer: Ukraine Charity Anthology, which will be available in print and digital format on Amazon.
Summer 2025
Queen's Quarterly, which is the literary journal for Queen's University, located in Kingston, Ontario, chose my story "Youicide" for its summer 2025 edition. It is a humorous literary sci-fi story.