90-Minute 1-on-1 Content Traction Control Workshop
Take control of your content marketing strategy development and gain traction with the content you produce with a 1-on-1 guided session from a content marketing veteran.
What is this?
The 90-Minute 1-on-1 Content Traction Control Workshop is a guided conversation where I help you unlock what you want to accomplish with your content, who you want to target, and the steps you can take to get started on developing a comprehensive content strategy.
Who is this for?
You will find this useful if you are just starting out with content and are not sure how to take those first steps, or you have tried content marketing for a while, but have gotten stuck without gaining any traction.
How does it work?
I will send you a questionnaire to prime you for our session. During the session, I will ask you questions about your business, your audience, your research, and how you see your brand fitting into your market. I will provide my strategic and analytical insights and recommendations to you based on my 10+ years of experience in the content marketing industry.
What will you get from this?
Clarity and confidence.
Plus, I will compile a report that synthesizes our findings, which you can use to help you get started on or improve your content marketing.
What is this not?
This is not a full-fledged content marketing strategy development session. Creating a comprehensive content strategy takes weeks of research and analysis. This is also not specifically a brainstorming session to come up with content ideas, although you will likely leave the session with content ideas.
Book an Appointment
Book your 90-Minute 1-on-1 Content Traction Control session now and take control of your content and get traction with your content.